Wird Dir die Fahrt auf dem Asphalt zu monoton? Reizt Dich die Perspektive einer Fahrt an Stellen, wo anstatt von Blitzgeräten um die Ecke ein Abenteuer auf Dich wartet? Wenn ja, Du konntest nicht besser finden! Proenduro.pl ist eine Fähigkeitenschmiede für die Eigentümer von schweren Motorrädern, die von professionellen Motorradtrainern und gleichzeitig von großen Geländefahrtenfans geführt wird. Wir haben ein Schulungsprogramm bearbeitet, das unabhängig von dem Niveau Deiner Fähigkeiten, mit welchem Du zu uns kommst, wirkt. Wir benutzen dieses System auf eine traditionelle Art und Weise – Schritt für Schritt. Genauso übernimmst Du die Kontrolle über das Motorrad und das Gelände!


Thanks to our experience and proven work methods, you will gain not only new skills, but also greater confidence and a completely new perspective on how you can use your off-road motorcycle.


Proenduro.pl is not only training. It is also a community of people sharing the same passion. We regularly meet and go - on asphalt and in to the terrain. After all, riding motorcycles is the best thing you can do in your clothes!

  • Do you want to improve your off-road riding skills? You could not get any better! Proenduro.pl is a forge of skills for owners of heavy off-road motorcycles run by professional motorcycle coaches and at the same time great fans of off-road riding. We provide training in Polish, Russian and in English!
  • Specific thematic blocks of our training form clear and effective drill system developed to improve your riding skills. This works regardless of the level of your skills with which you will come to us. We use this system in a traditional way - step by step. That's how you take control of the motorcycle and terrain!

Training format

Our trainings are conducted in two-day blocks, in the weekend formula. You can come for one day, you can participate in one day's training. For individual inquiries it is possible to conduct training during the working days of the week. Classes are conducted stationary near Warsaw, but they can also be carried out in out-of-town locations, including outside of Poland.

For whom

Owners of Advenure type motorcycles, starting their adventure with off-road driving, or wanting to improve their skills. Motorcyclists who want to prepare for events like GS Trophy, or to increasingly popular amateur rallies here in Poland and in Europe.

Types of motorcycles

Large off-road motorcycles, such as the BMW GS series, KTM Super / Adventure, Yamaha Super Tenere, Honda Africa Twin, Triumph Tiger / Explorer, etc. The smallest motorcycles we want to handle are the big KTM 690 Enduro or Yamaha Tenere 660 singles

The size of groups

Groups have a maximum of 5 people per coach. During the day there may be classes for various groups in parallel. In total, with 3 coaches, we can have 3 different thematic blocks run at the same time during the day + individual training if we have 4 coaches.

Proenduro.pl – Übernehme die Kontrolle!

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Wieso Proenduro.pl??
Ponieważ zatrudniamy jedynie profesjonalnych trenerów z gruntownym przygotowaniem dydaktycznym, którzy z dbałością o bezpieczeństwo i precyzję zarażą Cię szczerą pasją do jazdy motocyklem.
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