Warszawa - Modlin

Our training base is Royal Hotel ul. Szpitalna 93, 05-160 Modlin located in historical Modlin Fortress which is just 30 minutes from Warsaw city center. This place offers easy and fast access via S7 route from Warsaw and from the whole country. You can expect special offer from the Royal Hotel for your stay during our training.

If for any reason you do not want to, or you can not take advantage of the Hotel Royal offers – surrounding area at both locations is full of varied accommodation options!


Our training center is located in Przeźmierowo near Poznań. With buildings of the Poznań metropolis on the horizon, we are able to take you into the fascinating world of off-road.

We meet punctually at 8.00 in Tor Poznań, in Przeźmierowo, 3 Wyścigowa Street, 62-081 Przeźmierowo, www.aw.poznan.pl.

Our accommodation base for trainings near Poznań is Hotel Edison, ul. Wypoczynkowa 60, Baranowo, 62-081 Przeźmierowo.

The hotel has prepared a special offer for accommodation for training participants. To use it, please refer to the fact of being a participant in the training!

If for any reason you do not want to, or you can not take advantage of the Hotel Edison offers – surrounding area at both locations is full of varied accommodation options!


The MXDG Dąbrowa Górnicza off-road complex is our training base in Silesia. The address of this place is Zakawie, 41-300 Dąbrowa Górnicza.

We meet punctually at 8.00 in Tor Poznań, in Przeźmierowo, 3 Wyścigowa Street, 62-081 Przeźmierowo, www.aw.poznan.pl.

Check the map: https://goo.gl/maps/hrQtwTrXPr4nsUnr7

Proenduro.pl – take control!

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Ponieważ zatrudniamy jedynie profesjonalnych trenerów z gruntownym przygotowaniem dydaktycznym, którzy z dbałością o bezpieczeństwo i precyzję zarażą Cię szczerą pasją do jazdy motocyklem.
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How we teach?
Skutecznie przeprowadzamy naszych uczniów przez kolejne poziomy nauczania, skonstruowane tak, aby maksymalizować przyrost umiejętności i ograniczać ryzyko kontuzji.
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